Welcome to My New Year's Resolution!

11:05 AM

Hello all! And a belated Happy New Year!

Wow. 2014. That's actually a thing now.

A New Year is can mean a bunch of things to people. It can mean starting over. It can mean another year closer to your immanent death. It can mark the anniversary of some of your favorite movies turning a decade old, as is the case this year for me.

(Seriously. Mean Girls. Look it up.)

But on a happier note, it is also the start of many resolutions. Resolutions meant to improve your life health-wise, spiritually, creatively, or even resolving to keep your life just the way it is because traditions are for losers and partaking in them would be conforming to the man.

I, for one, love making resolutions for myself. Do I keep them? Most of the time, no. But this year I am aiming to amend that. I've composed a list of things that are well within my grasp to accomplish without putting too many high barriers up for myself and intimidating my way out of things. One of those things is keeping up with this blog more often.

I'm a writer. That's what I do. It's what I aspire to keep doing for the rest of my life. What better way to motivate myself than a weekly goal to write things down? Plus, I like blogging. It gives me room to air out things I've been wanting to talk about but haven't had the gusto or the, well, words. I feel that I communicate easier through writing than I do with speaking. You can ask my friends how horrible I am with puns sometimes. Seriously. It's rather deplorable. But here I can add, delete, or edit things I say to really get the message across and that's something special.

So, from here on out, this is going to be a weekly blog. Posted every Friday.

There. I've done it. It's all official because it's on the internet. No going back now.

Happy Friday everyone!

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