School + Writing = ??

9:34 AM

Well folks, it's here. The countdown to back-to-school. I move back in exactly 5 days and am experiencing so many feelings they've kind of molded into an emotional hybrid. I think I'll call it supernerves. Because, more than anything, I'm nervous.

What, Dae - why are you nervous? You're a Junior in college! Shouldn't you be used to this routine?

Well, concerned citizen. The answer is yes and no.

Yes, I am used to the move-in, workload, people, culture shock, grocery shopping, etc.

No, I am not used to having mostly major- and minor-oriented courses. I've only ever had one or two per semester. Now all but one or two of my classes are designated to my degree. That means more stress about doing well. These are the classes that matter. The ones that will tell me if I really picked a good career for myself. And seeing as how I made the decision to be a writer when I was 12... it could really go either way.

Plus, I need to start looking for internships. I really want to do one abroad, like my friend did this past summer in Scotland. Except I want to be in London. I've researched it before but am very inadequate with researching such things, apparently. So I have to set up meeting with councillors to make it happen. I am going to London at some point during this next year and would prefer to be there while also furthering my field experience. I want to live there at some point so why not practice being there and juggling a job?

PLUS, I need to work on my manuscript for my book. Like, a lot. My goal is to have it published by Senior year. And I have a lot of work to do if I want to make that happen. With all of the added stress of writing and history classes, I don't know if I'm going to have much of a will to write it, either. It's a scary thought - writing so much that I'm going to get sick of it. 

So yeah. Lots of added stress abound!  

This will be one heck of a year. Guaranteed. 

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