Holy Grown-Up Stuff, Batman!

10:45 AM

Sorry I haven't posted in awhile, guys! I've been sorta kinda busy with - wait for it - grown-up stuff.


Let's make a list of what has transpired this past week and a half, shall we? And some of them are even documented!

1. I turned 20. Enough said. Goodbye teens, hello twenties. Gulp.

2. One of my best friends got married. I was in the wedding and it was beautiful. But I still couldn't shake the surreal feeling you get when one of your childhood-turned-adulthood friends is the first to get married. It was just plain weird. But still a pretty good time.

3. Another one of my best friends got engaged the same day of the wedding. They got the newlyweds' blessing and finally put a ring on it after 5ish years of dating. The proposer, Collin, pulled me aside and asked them to take pictures of the occasion. The proposee, Bri, was none the wiser and was blissfully ignorant until the very end. Even when a crowd of about ten people gathered to watch me "take some couple-y pictures of them for Facebook." Oh, Bri. What a great neurologist you'll become someday.

4. I was supposed to move into my new apartment for my Junior year of college. But I ended up having to work. But the emotion of moving in was still there!

So, as you can see, I've gone on a pretty loopy emotional roller coaster. But on the upside, I took some pretty awesome pictures.

I should be back on track soon. As soon as I think of something to post about. Signs are pointing to the many struggles of writing my first book. Get ready for another, longer, and ultimately more frustrating list. Weeeee.

Until then, stay classy folks. I love yo faces.

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