Ta-ta For Now

3:06 PM

Well, lovely people, this is it.

I'll be leaving for London on Friday and holy crap am I nervous/excited/weirded out. I'll be there for eight weeks, and while there I'll be doing a few things:

  1. Interning. The reason I have this amazing opportunity to begin with. I'll be working in PR for the full eight weeks and getting my first real delve into the professional world. 
  2. Keeping a travel journal. This is both for me and for my school. I'm applying for a Distinction in Writing for my graduation in April 2015 and to do this, I have to do a great many writing-specific activities outside school. One of those things is keeping a travel log and writing in it every day I'm abroad for at least six weeks.
  3. Travel blogging. For the entries that need a more multimedia presence. And to keep everyone at home updated on my shenanigans without spamming Facebook.
  4. Contributing to an online magazine. I've already been doing this for a few weeks but it'll be quite a challenge writing articles pertaining to my school while I'm... not at school. 
  5. Blogging for my internship class. I have to be enrolled in an internship course in order for my internship to count for credit. In order to receive credit, I need to blog once a week about either my internship or an assigned reading. This is on an official GVSU Writing Department blog, so these posts are more private.
  6. Enjoying London. I've dreamt about working in London for a long time. And in order to really experience that, I want to gain every experience I can while I'm there. I don't know the next time I'll get an opportunity like this so I might as well enjoy it.
So yeah. A lot of stuff is going on. Since this is my personal blog, I feel like it has to take a backseat to all of these other things. If I see any shows or movies, or read any books, I'll try to post reviews to this blog. Other than that, I'm calling an official hiatus. I'll be back full-swing in August. Until then, my home will be here on my travel blog. Not sure the schedule for posting yet but it'll be at least weekly.

Thanks everyone! I'll be seeing you!

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