"X-Men: Days of Future Past" - Review

10:52 AM

Well, it's been a few days since I've seen the newest X-Men movie so I feel I've had enough time to mull it over during my breaks of hideous sickness. Being bed-ridden does that - gives you time to think. Not only about a movie you saw a few weeks ago but how horrible you feel. Seriously. Gross.

Anyhow, this review contains spoilers so, as always, proceed with caution.

As a whole, I was sort of let down after exiting the theatre. The plot, while compelling and action-packed, lacked a certain something that made the other films so great (let's not count X3, just for arguments sake). I think it started with my brother pointing out the poster on our arrival to the theatre (see right). Mystique and Wolverine are at the forefront, followed by a young Professor X, Storm, etc. It's no coincidence that the two frontrunners are X-Men's darling and Hollywood's most in-demand actress. While I am not diminishing each actor's talent or their ability to hold the lead role in a film, I merely suggest that perhaps too much attention was paid to them - to the point of negating the other character's presence at all. For me, I was most excited to see the past and future Magneto and Professor X crossing paths. The only glimpse we got into that possibility was a two minute heart-to-heart, which was all sorts of amazing, but a little underwhelming after it was over.

I believe this film made many promises about the crossover without following through with the results. If they would have marketed it differently, maybe I would have gone in with different expectations. As it is, I went in expecting an epic time-battle with all of my favorite Marvel nomads banding together to defeat a mutual enemy. Instead, I got an unpredictable Erik screwing things up for everyone. Again. I also got an vengeance-driven Mystique and drug-addicted Charles (who had an underlying sexual tension that I actually kind of enjoyed?). While these were formulae for a great story-arch, I completely discarded them because of my disappointment about the latter issue. Call me picky but I like me some time-travelling sci-fi and I thought X-Men was the perfect franchise to use it. I just wish they exploited the surefire formula for success more, well, successfully.

On the positive side, I loved Peter Dinklage's role in the film. He was just brilliant as an ignorant scientist. That man can do no wrong in my eyes. I also loved how all of the characters were very true to themselves - yes, even stupid Erik with his stupid mood swings. Mystique was a bit harder for me to wrap my head around. She arguably has gone through the most changes since we last saw her in First Class. I only wish we knew what kind of changes. We know that Erik was framed for the JFK murder and left his followers to their own devices. Now Mystique is pissed at him, and they share an intimate moment in a phone booth (or something), hinting of a possible romantic past. Since it's never fully explained, I can't see how Erik has no problem going after Raven nor why Raven hates Erik. I can only guess. I suppose as long as we get that sequel, I shouldn't complain.

As hinted by the last scene at the end of the credits (a la Marvel predictability), the new villain was introduced: Apocalypse. It was more of an introduction of his powers and his history, but still made me curious and excited about the new installment of the series.

I'm going against the grain on this one and giving Days of Future Past a 3.5/5. I'm sure the score would be higher if the film came through on the trailer's promises. While films don't always have a tendency not to do that, I expected more of X-Men and Marvel in general. Come on guys, get your shit together.

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