Memory and Stuff

8:14 AM






I've already broken my New Years Resolution. Way to go me.

No but seriously I feel super bad about this. I was actually busy this weekend but there was a block of time I could have posted on Friday and I just forgot. My bad.

But let's move on, shall we? I'll forget, you'll forget. It'll be a good 'ol memory wipe.

In light of my horrible memory, I think today I'll focus on ways to remember responsibilities. In list form. Because that's all I can blog about, apparently.
  • Calendar. This one is a no-brainer. Get yourself a calendar or a planner and write down the things you need to do or accomplish. Better yet, invest in both a hanging wall calendar and a planner. Me, I use a planner for my schoolwork and maybe a few bigger events I have to go to or plan for. My wall calendar is dry erase and marks major tests, papers, or other events that I absolutely have to remember. Also, put your calendar in a place that you will always see. No hiding it behind your door. Put it by your desk or in your kitchen.
  • Sticky notes. I use these to remember usernames and passwords mostly. But in light of recent events and my unreal amount of Post-Its, I'm starting to use them to remember weekly goals. This past week, I had to write 200 words a day for one whole week for an assignment. It was probably the most daunting assignment I have ever started but then, after I was on my second day, it quickly shifted into the easiest assignment I've ever completed. I want to keep pushing myself to meet that goal every day. Even if I only write for ten minutes, it'll be a lot more than if I hadn't done it at all. 
  • Tell a friend. Enlist the help of someone to check up on your progress of something. I've done this multiple times with my roommate and she with me. It helps when you give someone permission to yell at you when you haven't taken your vitamins.
Those are the simpler ways to remember something. There's also shock therapy and other, more questionable, methods to achieve similar results but I don't condone those. At all. 

Next week I'll have a better topic, I promise. I already have it written on a Post-It and everything.

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